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Ganzhou Guangli High tech Materials Co., Ltd. is a high-tech materials limited liability company that integrates rare earth production, processing, marketing, scientific research, and development of new rare earth products. The company was established in Ganzhou, Jiangxi, known as the "hometown of heavy rare earths in the world". Its main products include rare earth oxides, rare earth metals, rare earth fluorides, rare earth chlorides, rare earth nitrates, cerium oxide polishing powder, rare earth tricolor fluorescent powder, nanoscale rare earths, high-purity rare earths and other rare earth related products.

Ganzhou Guangli High te...


Common rare earth types
Raw oreSolitary stoneMonazite, also known as phosphate ceriu...
The constituent elements of ra
Based on the electronic layer structure and physicochemical ...
What is carbon material?
Carbon and graphite materials are non-metallic solid materia...
What are the applications of g
From the distribution of graphene applications, the hot topi...
What is graphene?
Graphene is a honeycomb like planar thin film formed by sp2 ...
Analysis of Preservation Metho
The name 'standard product' actually includes many t...



At present, there are disciplines such as rare earth agriculture, rare earth soil science, rare earth plant physiology, ......

Metallurgical indust

Rare earths are widely used in the metallurgical industry, accounting for about one-third of the total rare earth usage.......

Petrochemical indust

Rare earth is used as a rare earth molecular sieve cracking catalyst in the petroleum cracking industry, characterized b......

Glass industry field

Rare earth elements have three applications in the glass industry: glass coloring, glass decolorization, and preparation......